APD group home supporting the special needs community.


We are an APD group home that cares deeply about our community and our residents. We strive to give the highest level of hospitality comfort and entertainment all while providing a structured environment that promotes growth and learning on all levels.

Father embracing his son with special needs.

Empowering the Needs of Our Residents and Their Loved Ones

We understand the challenges that families can face when caring for a loved one with special needs. At Noel’s Residence, we are dedicated to understanding and bettering the lives of those we work with through compassion and family-orientated care.


A Home Away From Home

Noel’s Residence homes are equipped with everything necessary to give residents the care they deserve. With large four bed-room homes in close proximity to local entertainment and emergency services, you can have peace of mind that your loved ones will have the experiences and care they deserve. Learn more about our amenities and what our homes have to offer.


“In helping others, we shall help ourselves, for whatever good we give out completes the circle and comes back to us.”

– Flora Edwards