Trainings and Consultations

Close up of people holding hands symbolizes group home training and consultations

Specialized Care

Our clients rely on us to provide the specialized care necessary to give them the best quality of life possible. Our staff and partners are equipped with the proper trainings and certifications in such areas as:

  • Medication Administration Validation

    • Our group home medical director is certified to validate medication administration certifications for those who require it.

  • Behavior Analysis

    • Trained professionals observe problematic behaviors and create a plan to change the behaviors based on individual needs and concerns.

  • Skilled nursing

    • Nurses in this specialized field are required to maintain yearly and bi-annual certification renewals in order to work with our clients.

Caring for those in the special needs community requires a dedicated staff equipped with the knowledge to handle anything that may come our way. We are always working to train our staff and others in group homes and ADT (Adult Day Training) facilities to ensure clients are receiving the very best resources and care.

Click below to contact a member of our staff about pricing and availability.